Is it New Year in your timezone yet. #HappyNewYear. X updated the heart animation, adorable.

31 Dec 2023, 16:15
Is it New Year in your timezone yet? #HappyNewYear X updated the heart animation, adorable šŸ˜­ šŸ‘‡

Same news in other sources

GameFiGAFI #580
31 Dec 2023, 16:19
Is it New Year in your timezone yet? #HappyNewYear š• updated the heart animation, adorable šŸ˜­ šŸ‘‡
Is it New Year in your timezone yet. #HappyNewYear. š• updated the heart animation, adorable.
Is it New Year in your timezone yet? #HappyNewYear š• updated the heart animation, adorable šŸ˜­ šŸ‘‡